Minirosetta task stays active after Boinc exits

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Message 76396 - Posted: 4 Feb 2014, 0:50:56 UTC

When you say "closing it manually"... what are you doing to close it?
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 76398 - Posted: 5 Feb 2014, 5:17:48 UTC

On Windows, the BOINC Manager runs in the background and when you click the X to close the Manager window, it is minimized rather than actually ended.

If you wish to shutdown, you can right click the icon in the active applications toolbar and select "exit". Or if you have BOINC Manager open, you can use the File menu and select "exit BOINC" rather than "close window". This will then end the tasks that are running the work units with it. This will end the tasks, and lose any work they have accomplished since they last reached a checkpoint.

Often times it is preferable to have BOINC "snooze" or suspend execution rather than completely closing. This allows it to resume later and continue where it left off (so long as the PC is not powered completely down). This can be done from the activity pulldown in the BOINC Manager, or by right clicking the icon and selecting "snooze".
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 76405 - Posted: 7 Feb 2014, 5:09:14 UTC - in response to Message 76397.  
Last modified: 7 Feb 2014, 5:09:56 UTC

When you say "closing it manually"... what are you doing to close it?

End it from task manager as i do the same for boinc.exe

You may not have asked for advice on closing the BOINC Manager, but your method doesn't seem to be working the way it does for everyone else. So maybe closing it as I described would help it to work better for you. Perhaps ending it from the task manager doesn't give it a chance to end all of the tasks that it has in progress. Since the BOINC Manager is what begins and ends the minirosetta tasks, it would seem important that it be ended normally.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Profile dcdc

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Message 76409 - Posted: 7 Feb 2014, 23:53:06 UTC

You're not doing a great job of asking for help. I presume you're young and might not have been taught any better or might be hormonal so I'll ignore it and hope you have a better day tomorrow. Things you must understand though:

*M.S. is about as knowledgeable on BOINC and Rosetta as anyone on the planet, so the error probably isn't his.

*Your description of what you've done isn't very clear.

But anyway, here's my suggestion: try checking under "Tools > Options> Enable manager exit dialog". Then try exiting BM again.

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Sid Celery

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Message 76413 - Posted: 9 Feb 2014, 4:39:05 UTC - in response to Message 76410.  

dcdc.... i don't care what u assume, u came here to do what? play it smart to me? go suicide and go take some lessons to read first before u reply to any post because i say it for MULTIPLE time, that boinc is NOT my problem, but minirosetta task, so go preach to anyone else "wise" guy and not to me, u r worthless of good manners too so this is my way to u too like the previous who replied twice with useless response and irrelative to my case tryin to play it expert.

if u can't read u can't understand the problem, so how could it be....clear to u as u wrote?

I don't want anyone else to reply on this, boinc is done for me cause as i see there are fools here too who come in forums to pretend the experts without havin ANY basic knowledge of reading or software understanding.

Case unresolved - problem remains - boinc ends here and u two who came to play it smart, go suicide and that's the attitude that people like u deserve, since u don't like someone's good manners.

So you're reporting that the following dialog appears when you select "FileExit Boinc" and it doesn't do as it says it will when you tick "Stop running tasks when you exit Boinc Manager"?

Boinc Manager Exit Dialog

I only ask because I've just selected it and it worked instantly, so something is certainly wrong.

What showed when you followed DCDC's advice to go to "Tools > Options> Enable manager exit dialog"? Obviously it was ticked.

I've read everything you've written and nowhere do you explicitly say anything about the dialog box appearing and ticking the appropriate option "Stop running tasks when you exit Boinc Manager". In your first post you only said

"i thought it should not close, but then i thought, since i exit the client, then all its tasks must be closed".

But that doesn't make sense because if the dialog appeared you'd know you explicitly direct the tasks to close on exiting Boinc.
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Sid Celery

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Message 76418 - Posted: 10 Feb 2014, 4:35:52 UTC - in response to Message 76414.  
Last modified: 10 Feb 2014, 4:38:40 UTC

Someone close or even better delete this thread, i can't waste time with ridiculous answers anymore.

You asked three questions:

Q1: Why is this happening?
A1: Possibly because you removed the exit dialog that allows you to explicitly close all tasks, without which they'll remain running. Reinstating the dialog is done as previously advised. Testing the option here, it works instantly, but there may be a further issue for you. Closing minirosetta tasks from the task manager is a "dirty" way of shutting them down and can cause problems.

Q2: Is it a known problem?
A2: Not previously reported to my knowledge.

Q3: Any solution to avoid closing it manually every time?
A3: In the way described in previous messages.

All you have to do is answer whether this worked or not. Yes or no.
If no, I'm sure Mod.Sense will report it to those who can fix it. Further information may still be required.
If yes, a simple 'thank you' is sufficient to close the thread.
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Message 76579 - Posted: 2 Apr 2014, 9:51:23 UTC

Hi, I think I'm having the same issue as cammer78 although I'll try and be less offensive in posting my issue of replying to assistance.
Boinc is set to start when the computer is idle.
When the computer comes out of running in idle mode several miniroseetta tasks remain running, and continue to do so for some time. Often these task consume a significant amount of resources ~1Gb of available RAM (3Gb in total). As you can imagine this causes the computer to run very sluggish and I'm forced to shutdown the tasks from the task manager.
This issue only happens with the rosetta project. Any assistance on the issue would be greatly appreciated.
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Questions and Answers : Windows : Minirosetta task stays active after Boinc exits

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