Daily quota of 200 results?

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space plowboy

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Message 75735 - Posted: 10 Jun 2013, 5:50:30 UTC

Besides that being so wrong on it's face, my machine is offline most of the time until I go to the bar to connect. Why is all that aggregated into one day? Apparently there is no check of what day a task was completed, which would be a reasonable check.
Also, while the upload was going on, an update attempt occurred before it finished and the log said "too many uploads in progress", which might be reasonable except for the "last update too recent" constraint which conflicts. Once the flurry of uploads is done, then, Oh we can't consider anything for a while? An overview of the requirements analysis needs to be done, reviewing all the incomplete assumptions, like non-constant connection.
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Message 75739 - Posted: 10 Jun 2013, 13:57:35 UTC - in response to Message 75735.  
Last modified: 10 Jun 2013, 14:00:06 UTC

If that's not enough for you, or you simply want to have not so many but longer WUs, you can increase the "Target CPU run time" preference in your Rosetta@home preferences.

Also, while the upload was going on, an update attempt occurred before it finished and the log said "too many uploads in progress", which might be reasonable except for the "last update too recent" constraint which conflicts.

When you are in the bar, set first Rosatta to "no new tasks", wait for all uploads to finish, than enable work request.
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Message 75743 - Posted: 10 Jun 2013, 20:16:15 UTC

The limit is 100 tasks per CPU, you have two CPUs, so 200 per day. From the list of tasks you have, it appears you've changed the target runtime to an hour. And there are times when tasks will complete before that, and other times they complete after. BOINC Manager can easily get confused about how to estimate the amount of time for the next task to take. With a 1hr runtime preference, being off just by 10 minutes means BOINC is easily estimating incorrectly by 18%, which can be significant when trying to keep several days of work.

BEWARE: changing the target runtime preference will affect the tasks you have already downloaded. So many any changes to it gradually. Otherwise BOINC Manager will grab work presuming it will get done in an hour, and instead end up finding it takes your new runtime preference to complete. But yes, a longer target runtime should make things more predictable for BOINC Manager, and also reduce the number of tasks per day required to keep your machine happily busy. ...but if this cuts in on the number of beers per day preference, you may want consider other alternatives :)
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message boards : Number crunching : Daily quota of 200 results?

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