Project File Upload Handler Is Missing

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Message 69149 - Posted: 10 Jan 2011, 22:57:12 UTC - in response to Message 69141.  

Sure it would be practical. Why wouldn't it. Web sites are remotely hosted all the time.

Maybe because it's part of the BOINC server suite and puts things like the user's RAC on their posts? I don't know how closely the two are tied together...

The forum is the forum. Stats are some else entirely. It is common practice in IT-world to have your feedback about an application on a physically different machine (so not another virtual machine hosted on the same physical server..), at least in the companies I worked for (IBM, AT&T)

I don't mean the main boinc stats - I mean the RAC that's shown below your name when you post here, so the forum has stats. As there's not much data there I'm sure they could be passed to the forum machine on a regular basis as a flat file so it has that info, but that might not be how BOINC server works???
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Michael Gould

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Message 69159 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 1:17:55 UTC - in response to Message 69067.  

You know, I left the Seti project and attached to this one because of server based problems. Now it's looking to me like the same shoestring mentality is ruling this project too, as concerns the servers and database. I don't know much about setting up the hardware...

Do we really have to have these same complaints every time there is a server problem? The people running these distributed projects do the best they can with the resources they have. Perhaps they could do some things better, but it is what it is.

I like rosetta and donate my meager computer resources to it as my main project. I am attached to a backup project, When I run out of rosetta work, BOINC switches to malariacontrol. No stress, no mess. I hope rosetta is eventually able to digest my 20 wu's, but if not, than not. Is it really that big a deal?
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Profile Chris Holvenstot

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Message 69162 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 1:59:53 UTC - in response to Message 69159.  

Michael espoused ...

Do we really have to have these same complaints every time there is a server problem?

Michael, which complaints are you referring to? I think that the comments here run in two basic categories - the first being the fact that the project is down, and the second is that once again, as in the past, there is almost no status being passed back to the community.

You are right, it is what it is, and when it comes to balancing hardware resources against a finite pile of money, compromises have to be made. In my career I have worked in more than a few data centers whose equipment is so old the place could have been designated a historic landmark.

I am familiar with the challenges of keeping out-dated equipment up and running.

However, there is no excuse for the lack of communications with the community providing computing resources to the project. The last published update was days ago.

The community of Rosetta users is a diverse group - it ranges from the casual user who puts Rosetta up on his home PC to those who convert their back rooms into a mini-data center.

We all crunch Rosetta because we believe that what the project is trying to accomplish is important. However, how can be continue to believe that what we are doing is important if the project leadership continues to treat the community like an expendable resource, not worthy of the few minutes required to keep us informed?

Well, I'll step down off my soap box now with just one further thought: keep crunching brother - we are all family, even when we disagree.


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Message 69170 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 4:50:23 UTC - in response to Message 69162.  

Michael espoused ...

Do we really have to have these same complaints every time there is a server problem?

Michael, which complaints are you referring to? I think that the comments here run in two basic categories - the first being the fact that the project is down, and the second is that once again, as in the past, there is almost no status being passed back to the community.

You are right, it is what it is, and when it comes to balancing hardware resources against a finite pile of money, compromises have to be made. In my career I have worked in more than a few data centers whose equipment is so old the place could have been designated a historic landmark.

I am familiar with the challenges of keeping out-dated equipment up and running.

However, there is no excuse for the lack of communications with the community providing computing resources to the project. The last published update was days ago.

The community of Rosetta users is a diverse group - it ranges from the casual user who puts Rosetta up on his home PC to those who convert their back rooms into a mini-data center.

We all crunch Rosetta because we believe that what the project is trying to accomplish is important. However, how can be continue to believe that what we are doing is important if the project leadership continues to treat the community like an expendable resource, not worthy of the few minutes required to keep us informed?

Well, I'll step down off my soap box now with just one further thought: keep crunching brother - we are all family, even when we disagree.


Well said.


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Michael Gould

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Message 69172 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 5:30:58 UTC

I agree with you, Chris, I wish they would communicate more effectively with us. I just think it is neither justified nor productive to get on these forums and slam the the project and the people running it.

I'm not referring to your posts, which are always positive and constructive. I would also be very interested to hear an answer to your question about WU report deadlines.
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Profile Chris Holvenstot

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Message 69174 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 6:01:52 UTC - in response to Message 69172.  

Michael -

I agree with you to a point - there has to be some mechanism to provide feedback to the admins that the lack of communication is not acceptable - if we failed to do so then it would be unfair to hold the admins accountable for not meeting our expectations.

Using a metaphor most of us (at least the honest ones) can relate to - it would be like the wife who gives the husband the ice cold reception when he gets home from work.

"What's wrong honey?"


And the family dog runs for cover.

Communication is the best way to nip hard feelings in the bud.


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Sid Celery

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Message 69177 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 11:58:08 UTC - in response to Message 69174.  

Using a metaphor most of us (at least the honest ones) can relate to - it would be like the wife who gives the husband the ice cold reception when he gets home from work.

"What's wrong honey?"


And the family dog runs for cover.

Are you saying that one's been solved?

In any case, it's only a problem if it's actually our fault. If it's not our fault and it can be handled, and they're capable of handling it, and we can't help directly, it's best to be patient, supportive, non-interfering and available when we're eventually called on.
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Message 69181 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 14:11:04 UTC

Так что делать? Удалять неотправляемое задание или ждать?
Отправка останавливается на 2,27% и пишет "Project File Upload Handler Is Missing". При этом другие задания прекрасно принимаются и отправляются.
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Profile Kamaradski

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Message 69183 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 14:52:18 UTC - in response to Message 69181.  

So what do i do to get rig of these failed uploads that are bottlenecking my clients right now ?

option-1 - Delete the ones that failed uploading, so the remaining results can try to upload themselfs.

option-2 - leave them running over their reporting deadline.

Both ways i'm not recieving credit.

It would be nice to know how long this will remain before fixed, and what is the project preferred way for the end-users to deal with it.


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Profile dcdc

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Message 69184 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 16:05:56 UTC - in response to Message 69183.  

Leave the tasks there for now and they'll get uploaded when the servers are up and running properly. I expect the Rosetta admins will run a script to grant credit to late jobs due to the recent issues (even if you don't get credit for them straight-away).

So what do i do to get rig of these failed uploads that are bottlenecking my clients right now ?

option-1 - Delete the ones that failed uploading, so the remaining results can try to upload themselfs.

option-2 - leave them running over their reporting deadline.

Both ways i'm not recieving credit.

It would be nice to know how long this will remain before fixed, and what is the project preferred way for the end-users to deal with it.


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Michael Gould

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Message 69186 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 16:58:00 UTC - in response to Message 69174.  

I agree with you to a point - there has to be some mechanism to provide feedback to the admins that the lack of communication is not acceptable - if we failed to do so then it would be unfair to hold the admins accountable for not meeting our expectations.


And the family dog runs for cover.

If the family dog is pictured in your avatar, I'll take my chances with the wife!
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Message 69187 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 17:07:02 UTC

I think you missed the point Chris was making.

If someone gives you something, take it and say thank you

We are all “GIVING” to R@H and for the most part they seem very appreciative,


IMHO – sometimes they tend to take us all for granted

Imagine if you will:

R@H is a restaurant

We all go in and sit down, order off the menu and pay 20.00 for a 5.00 plate of food.
So in effect we are making cash donations to their cause .
And why do we do this? Well perhaps you get a warm fuzzy from supporting a good cause, perhaps
its for the corned beef and cabbage . We all have our own reasons.
So here we all sit, we've placed our orders and wait...... and wait....... and wait some more
then we are told there was a fire in the kitchen, the cook is burned badly and headed to the hospital.
So we wait, A couple of hours longer, hours turn to days, and we wait.
Then we are told, the stove burned up in the fire.
So we wait.........

I ask , at what point should the Management have come out and told us “ The Restaurant
Thank you all for your support , but right now the stove needs to be replaced and we need to find a new cook, its going to be a few days to find a new cook not to mention having the new stove installed. Again Thank You all for your support. We anticipate being back up and running in 14 days
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Message 69189 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 18:00:03 UTC

Nice red light analogy deesy.

You're right. Time to make a move.

I'm out. Good luck.
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Sid Celery

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Message 69191 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 19:44:09 UTC - in response to Message 69187.  

...We all go in and sit down, order off the menu and pay 20.00 for a 5.00 plate of food...

You paid how much in advance? This is as daft as the traffic lights one.

I appreciate that people join here for a diversity of reasons, but even (especially) for those with crunching farms, to put all your eggs in one project's basket, when no absolute guarantees are provided, then to gripe once every 3 or 6 months when something serious goes wrong is quite baffling.

People from mod.sense to many ordinary users have suggested back-up projects with low priorities with several discussions of those ones that are most appropriate. If you choose not to prepare for that, the responsibility is your own and no-one else's - no discussion - especially when you can see it coming. The only downtime I've had in the last year was my own fault, and that for only a few hours. Boinc handles project debt so there's no eventual loss at all that I can tell.

In case you missed the comment from DB in another thread:
I apologize for the recent system crash. We are beefing up our servers considerably so hopefully this won't happen again for a long time to come."

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Profile Chris Holvenstot

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Message 69194 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 21:36:56 UTC - in response to Message 69191.  
Last modified: 11 Jan 2011, 21:42:35 UTC

Sid previously made the point ...

If you choose not to prepare for that, the responsibility is your own and no-one else's - no discussion - especially when you can see it coming. The only downtime I've had in the last year was my own fault, and that for only a few hour

You know Sid, I think that you and I are pretty much cut from the same cloth, so when you take the time to share your thoughts in a post I normally pay attention and consider the value of your words.

However, in this case I think that you are a bit off target - from my perspective the community has been remarkably restrained - I have seen very few comments like "I would be gobsmacked if those wankers up in Washington could identify a computer, let alone fix it"

(slang shamelessly borrowed from that British film classic King Ralph)

Most of the posts of recent days are divided between "I'm getting this type of error" and "someone is skiving on the task of keeping the community informed" - there really has not been much fault finding over the system crash itself.


By the way - I grew up just down the road from Chelsea, Michigan. We take immense pride in the fact that you fellows honored us by adopting our namesake. You know what they say: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
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Message 69196 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 22:11:02 UTC - in response to Message 69191.  

You paid how much in advance? This is as daft as the traffic lights one.

then to gripe once every 3 or 6 months when something serious goes wrong is quite baffling.

If you choose not to prepare for that, the responsibility is your own and no-one else's - no discussion - especially when you can see it coming.

In case you missed the comment from DB in another thread:
I apologize for the recent system crash. We are beefing up our servers considerably so hopefully this won't happen again for a long time to come."

Its obvious you don't possess the social skill set to understand what the complaint is.

Short and simple version:

Hardware fails, we all understand that happens. When it does happen, it would be logical to expect an estimated time for the repairs to be completed and when the system will be fully functional again. I am confidant that this information was given to the project administration.

The complaint is – why has this information not been passed along to the people that are donating their time, effort, computer hardware and electricity to the project in a timely manner ?

Is this information some kind of proprietary trade secret for R@H ?
If so, then I'll just take my happy ass back to the mushroom patch and wait quietly.


Is it that no one had the common courtesy to inform the rest of us ?
If the R@H Administration can not take responsibility for keeping us informed perhaps they should consider hiring someone for PR before we all start to consider a new project

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Message 69198 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 23:09:45 UTC

"Things" (for a polite way of putting it) happen is the easiest way to put it.
yes, KEL should post a note on the front page saying what the current status is, that would be nice, but I suppose he's a bit busy right now trying to reroute things to be bothered writing such a thing. But after 5 days of no news, well that is a little bit inconsiderate in my opinion. Since I have 2 tasks clogging up my BOINC manager message tab waiting to upload and no word as to when an expected solution to the problem is going to come into play (other than "We only need a few more weeks and then our new, next generation SAN will be ready to be put into place.") I guess I will abort them and wait for the next stuff to come out when the project is back in working condition. I'm not overly upset about it, that's why I run other projects of interest to me.
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Message 69199 - Posted: 11 Jan 2011, 23:22:08 UTC - in response to Message 69194.  

By the way - I grew up just down the road from Chelsea, Michigan. We take immense pride in the fact that you fellows honored us by adopting our namesake. You know what they say: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

As a completely off topic comment, do you mean the Chelsea we "adopted" in London about 1,000 years before the American war of independence? Or perhaps you mean another namesake? ^_^

On topic, I agree that the lack of communication can be frustrating. However I get more annoyed by people constantly opening new threads to ask if they are the only ones having these problems. How much effort does it take to glance down the recent topics list for subjects like "Anyone else having trouble uploading results?", "Cant Upload" and "Uploading error" before posting?

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Profile Chris Holvenstot

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Message 69206 - Posted: 12 Jan 2011, 3:33:13 UTC - in response to Message 69199.  

Murasaki asked ...

do you mean the Chelsea we "adopted" in London about 1,000 years before the American war of independence? Or perhaps you mean another namesake?

Yea, now that you mention it I guess that's the one. World famous home of the Pensioners and Johnny Rotten. Nothing more than a tongue-in-cheek attempt to rag Sid a little about his heritage.

A lame attempt at keeping things light while I voiced my disagreement with his logic.

However, I did not expect you to sneak up behind me - your solid vocabulary, precise grammar, and obvious intellect had led me to assume that you were - whats the word I'm looking for - ah yes, American.

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Message 69207 - Posted: 12 Jan 2011, 3:38:46 UTC

I've already managed a 1,000 RAC on POEM@Home. Come on Rosetta, come back!
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