constant computation errors

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Message 63296 - Posted: 12 Sep 2009, 1:21:05 UTC

i run the same work on several computers, rosetta at home. its my only project. on one computer which i check once a day, i will see all downloaded files have suffered a computation error. i update, get new work, it runs while i am watching it and then again the next day, all errors.

i am sure someone needs more information to answer this question, but is there some basic wrongness you might know about? none of my other computers suffer computation errors, ever. not one time. thanks.
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Message 63301 - Posted: 12 Sep 2009, 7:23:09 UTC

Do you mean the latest problem with validate errors? This has been now corrected.
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Profile pfschumacher

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Message 63306 - Posted: 12 Sep 2009, 19:17:05 UTC - in response to Message 63301.  

Do you mean the latest problem with validate errors? This has been now corrected.

no. i mean nearly every time i check my computer, which for that particular computer is about one time a day, all the work units are noted "computation error." they are not submitted, and i dont have new work lined up when i notice it.

i feel im wasting units and a good hard working computer, but i dont know why they all total out with errors.

this has been happening for a month or so.
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Message 63308 - Posted: 12 Sep 2009, 22:22:28 UTC

Which of your five computers are you referring to? Is it 91041? If I go back far enough in the tasks list I see a lot of tasks reported with 0 CPU time and one of the following messages:

Input file minirosetta_1.97_windows_intelx86.exe missing or invalid: -163


app_version download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_message>signature verification failed</error_message>

More recently this computer has completed several tasks successfully and a few ended with a different client error: -1073741819 (0xc0000005). Here's a link to one of those tasks:280033729

From your posts it appears than when you manually update all the files get downloaded and the program runs fine but when you leave the computer on its own it rejects the .exe file thus the tasks can't run. Sorry if I'm asking the obvious but when you manually update do you get any popups from your antivirus or firewall programs? Are you running the exact same versions and using the exact same settings on all your machines? I'm guessing there is a difference somewhere that would explain why this machine is blocking the files and the other machines aren't.

As for the third error message here's the entry from the BOINC FAQ Service. Someone more knowledgeable than I will have to guide you from here.

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Message 63311 - Posted: 13 Sep 2009, 10:39:11 UTC - in response to Message 63306.  

Do you mean the latest problem with validate errors? This has been now corrected.

no. i mean nearly every time i check my computer, which for that particular computer is about one time a day, all the work units are noted "computation error." they are not submitted, and i dont have new work lined up when i notice it.

i feel im wasting units and a good hard working computer, but i dont know why they all total out with errors.

this has been happening for a month or so.

I have found that sometimes just shutting down the pc and after an hour or so restarting it fixes some of these unknown errors. I don't know why, it just sometimes works. Other than that follow Snagletooth's suggestions.
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Profile pfschumacher

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Message 63316 - Posted: 13 Sep 2009, 16:59:15 UTC - in response to Message 63308.  

Which of your five computers are you referring to? Is it 91041? If I go back far enough in the tasks list I see a lot of tasks reported with 0 CPU time and one of the following messages:

Input file minirosetta_1.97_windows_intelx86.exe missing or invalid: -163


app_version download error: couldn't get input files:
<error_message>signature verification failed</error_message>

More recently this computer has completed several tasks successfully and a few ended with a different client error: -1073741819 (0xc0000005). Here's a link to one of those tasks:280033729

From your posts it appears than when you manually update all the files get downloaded and the program runs fine but when you leave the computer on its own it rejects the .exe file thus the tasks can't run. Sorry if I'm asking the obvious but when you manually update do you get any popups from your antivirus or firewall programs? Are you running the exact same versions and using the exact same settings on all your machines? I'm guessing there is a difference somewhere that would explain why this machine is blocking the files and the other machines aren't.

As for the third error message here's the entry from the BOINC FAQ Service. Someone more knowledgeable than I will have to guide you from here.


snagle, i never receive pop ups from my virus program, and i keep the boinc updated to its latest version. i just updated the version recently but i recall these errors regardless of what version i have been using.

your insight makes sense to me, and yes the computer you mentioned is the one in question. why would it reject the .exe files, i cannot say. i dont know enough about computers to answer that question, but it appears that is precisely what is happening.

thank you for the reply, ill try "someone more knowledgable" if they can be found, and let you know of their response.

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Message 63321 - Posted: 13 Sep 2009, 22:18:22 UTC - in response to Message 63316.  

snagle, I never receive pop ups from my virus program, and I keep the boinc updated to its latest version. I just updated the version recently but I recall these errors regardless of what version I have been using.

Go into your antivirus program and check the quarantine. Norton, Nod32 and Kaspersky are all capable of isolating minirosetta_1.97_windows_intelx86.exe
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Message 63322 - Posted: 13 Sep 2009, 23:20:57 UTC

Is this a new problem for that host? You said it's been occurring for a month or so, but is that when you attached the host to Rosetta? Some corporate firewalls will filter .exe downloads over http, which is what BOINC does, at least when working with R@h.

Are your other machines on the same network?
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 63327 - Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 9:16:45 UTC - in response to Message 63316.  

snagle, i never receive pop ups from my virus program, and i keep the boinc updated to its latest version. i just updated the version recently but i recall these errors regardless of what version i have been using.

your insight makes sense to me, and yes the computer you mentioned is the one in question. why would it reject the .exe files, i cannot say. i dont know enough about computers to answer that question, but it appears that is precisely what is happening.

thank you for the reply, ill try "someone more knowledgable" if they can be found, and let you know of their response.

One thing you can do is exclude the Boinc folders from the anti-virus as far as scanning and keeping track of goes. Within your anti-virus program there should be a way to exclude certain folders, lots of us have done this.
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Profile pfschumacher

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Message 63328 - Posted: 14 Sep 2009, 9:16:45 UTC - in response to Message 63322.  

Is this a new problem for that host? You said it's been occurring for a month or so, but is that when you attached the host to Rosetta? Some corporate firewalls will filter .exe downloads over http, which is what BOINC does, at least when working with R@h.

Are your other machines on the same network?

thank you lizzie and mod. boinc is allowed and okay by my virus program (mcafee) and i have been attached to to this host for over a year. if by that you mean that this computer is boinc-ing and running rosetta. i have two other machines on this network. i have not had an error for a few days now, and i have never reset this project.

i should maybe try that if i get more errors. otherwise from my end i am not sure how to proceed.
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Message 63360 - Posted: 15 Sep 2009, 9:15:55 UTC - in response to Message 63328.  

Is this a new problem for that host? You said it's been occurring for a month or so, but is that when you attached the host to Rosetta? Some corporate firewalls will filter .exe downloads over http, which is what BOINC does, at least when working with R@h.

Are your other machines on the same network?

thank you lizzie and mod. boinc is allowed and okay by my virus program (mcafee) and i have been attached to to this host for over a year. if by that you mean that this computer is boinc-ing and running rosetta. i have two other machines on this network. i have not had an error for a few days now, and i have never reset this project.

i should maybe try that if i get more errors. otherwise from my end i am not sure how to proceed.

to update, i have not had a single computation error since i changed my cpu usage settings from 100% to 90%. coincidental or not, it seems to be working.
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Message 63364 - Posted: 15 Sep 2009, 10:35:18 UTC - in response to Message 63360.  
Last modified: 15 Sep 2009, 10:36:06 UTC

to update, i have not had a single computation error since i changed my cpu usage settings from 100% to 90%. coincidental or not, it seems to be working.

While there have not been missing file errors in the last few days, 3 out of 10 results returned so far today have ended with client errors:


- exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)

The Windows Runtime Debugger is engaged so perhaps someone will be able to spot a clue in the stderr out. You can try the BOINC FAQ Service link I posted earlier for some ideas. Again, someone else will have to guide you as far as checking drivers, etc. Perhaps someone has insight into the intermittent nature of these errors. If I'm reading the numbers right there's not a lot of memory available, if any of it's bad would that cause the occasional error or would every task fail?

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Message 63373 - Posted: 15 Sep 2009, 18:39:13 UTC - in response to Message 63364.  

to update, i have not had a single computation error since i changed my cpu usage settings from 100% to 90%. coincidental or not, it seems to be working.

While there have not been missing file errors in the last few days, 3 out of 10 results returned so far today have ended with client errors:


- exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)

The Windows Runtime Debugger is engaged so perhaps someone will be able to spot a clue in the stderr out. You can try the BOINC FAQ Service link I posted earlier for some ideas. Again, someone else will have to guide you as far as checking drivers, etc. Perhaps someone has insight into the intermittent nature of these errors. If I'm reading the numbers right there's not a lot of memory available, if any of it's bad would that cause the occasional error or would every task fail?


Someone else posted a question along the same lines.
Take a look at my message here and see if that helps with your problems.
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Message 63390 - Posted: 18 Sep 2009, 11:20:36 UTC

Hi all,

For me decreasing CPU time from 100% to 90% solve the problem with constant errors (MR 1.97, Win XPSP3). Not had result from resetting, detaching, un- and installing (BOINC).

Thanks for idea
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Message 63400 - Posted: 19 Sep 2009, 12:11:26 UTC - in response to Message 63390.  

Hi all,

For me decreasing CPU time from 100% to 90% solve the problem with constant errors (MR 1.97, Win XPSP3). Not had result from resetting, detaching, un- and installing (BOINC).

Thanks for idea

Have you blown out the cobwebs in your machine lately? That sounds like a heat related problem, lowering the cpu usage lowers the heat output of the cpu is my thinking.
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