COVID 19 FAH and Rosetta the same?

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Message 94377 - Posted: 13 Apr 2020, 20:46:18 UTC

Are you working with the same companies, complementing or duplicating the same work as FAH?
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Message 94379 - Posted: 13 Apr 2020, 21:00:02 UTC

No, different. Both are important. I guess journal entries are a good way to compare the two.

FaH is concerned with the process of how proteins fold. R@h is concerned with where they end up once they have folded.

The folded state is important because that shape determines the proteins function and what it will bind with.

R@H also works on designing new proteins that don't exist in nature, which may well lead to one of the big technological revolutions, like the transistor did.
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Message 94400 - Posted: 13 Apr 2020, 22:41:25 UTC - in response to Message 94379.  

No, different. Both are important. I guess journal entries are a good way to compare the two.

FaH is concerned with the process of how proteins fold. R@h is concerned with where they end up once they have folded.

The folded state is important because that shape determines the proteins function and what it will bind with.

R@H also works on designing new proteins that don't exist in nature, which may well lead to one of the big technological revolutions, like the transistor did.

Or another Corona or Ebola..
I'm always iffy about messing with nature.
If one dictator gets a hold of some scientist's family, and forces him to work on a new lethal bio gas...
I don't know...
Then again, if it's going to be done anyway, might as well be the good guys, that won't spread it out...
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Message boards : Number crunching : COVID 19 FAH and Rosetta the same?

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