Disk usage

Questions and Answers : Preferences : Disk usage

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Profile Murdock

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Message 88159 - Posted: 25 Jan 2018, 12:56:40 UTC

Greetings, whenever I log in to the boinc manager I have this notice waiting. "Rosetta needs 189.96MB more disk space. You currently have 763.72 MB available and it needs 953.67 MB" so I add more space to the boinc managers settings and close the app. Next time I have a new notice which is almost identical asking for more space for rosetta or mini. My settings are that boinc uses no more than 4gb currently, yet when I check disk usage for each project I see Einstein using 42mb, seti using 159.19mb, rosetta using an ASTOUNDING 3.14GB and still asking for more. All projects are currently set with the same resource share, so in theory should all be using things equally with rosetta only taking spare space from other projects when they dont require it, not constantly asking for more. And while typing this its just asked for rosetta Mini to be given 380.69 MB more. Is my system running amok!?
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Sid Celery

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Message 88187 - Posted: 30 Jan 2018, 2:11:16 UTC - in response to Message 88159.  

Greetings, whenever I log in to the boinc manager I have this notice waiting. "Rosetta needs 189.96MB more disk space. You currently have 763.72 MB available and it needs 953.67 MB" so I add more space to the boinc managers settings and close the app. Next time I have a new notice which is almost identical asking for more space for rosetta or mini. My settings are that boinc uses no more than 4gb currently, yet when I check disk usage for each project I see Einstein using 42mb, seti using 159.19mb, rosetta using an ASTOUNDING 3.14GB and still asking for more. All projects are currently set with the same resource share, so in theory should all be using things equally with rosetta only taking spare space from other projects when they dont require it, not constantly asking for more. And while typing this its just asked for rosetta Mini to be given 380.69 MB more. Is my system running amok!?

I see you run an AMD FX8350 with 16Gb RAM. I have an FX8370 with 16Gb RAM and, with a much bigger queue admittedly, Rosetta is using 5Gb (plus 500Mb for WCGrid) here, so what you report seems 'normal'.

I set aside 10Gb for Boinc operations to cover every eventuality. Unless you have a shortage of disk space I don't know why you're reluctant to ensure there's sufficient space. 5Gb sounds enough for your much shorter queue.
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Message 88208 - Posted: 1 Feb 2018, 15:36:03 UTC

I believe each active task allocates a fair amount of space for the future result to be stored (100MB?). I can't recall how large. Bottom line is that it asks for more space than it ever really requires, just-in-case. So with an 8 processor system, there might be about 1GB just of storage allocated for the active tasks. On top of the files required to run them. My own 4CPU Windows machine current shows 2.75GB of disk. So I would not hesitate to enable BOINC more disk than you currently have. Further, I've never seen R@h run amok and consume massive disk storage, so you might consider giving BOINC Manager another 2GB to allocate for all of it's work, and avoid all of the messages.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Questions and Answers : Preferences : Disk usage

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